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Straight Talk Wealth Radio - Host Bruce Weide
NOT another "get rich quick" show, we're news and opinion about how to survive the next economic decade in America.In our American economy, where 73% of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is consumption driven. why is Wall Street so optimistic that the consumer is back now and the stock market is headed back toward the heavens again? Has the government made it all better now by going into debt a further $3 trillion? - - Or are we in one big Stimulus Bubble with the other shoe about to drop?In such unstable times, it seems impossible for the little guy, the "Saver" in America, to beat risk and volatility and come out ahead in the end. But there really are things you can do to ensure you are living with some level of "safe money", and we want to share them with you. Take a look around our site and benefit from our knowledge of the financial world. Thank you for stopping by Straight Talk Wealth Radio Online!
Straight Talk Wealth Radio Episode 83 – Straight Talk Radio
Follow along with Bruce today, as he pulls from some of the best minds to ask if The Fed got it right or wrong on interest rates hikes. Will we have a soft landing after all, or is the other shoe about to drop?
Warren Buffet selling $28.7 billion in stock rings alarm bells over economy
Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway has sold $28.7 billion in stocks during the first three quarters of 2023. Why?
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