Pick from any of these essential personal financial planning topics!

Each topic includes a 10-minute Video Webinar On Demand,
and an informative downloadable E-Book

Retirement Planning How to Create a Retirement Income Plan

When you retire, your focus will shift from accumulating your wealth to spending your wealth. That math is much trickier! Find out how to start making those calculations in this FREE Course!

Retirement Planning Income

FREE Webinar and E-Book!

How to MAXIMIZE your Social Security Benefits

There are literally more than 1,000 choices of when and how you can take your Social Security Retirement benefits. Don’t go at it blindly! Take our course and learn how to start planning to maximize your lifetime benefits!

How To Maximize Your Social Security Benefits

FREE Webinar and E-Book!

Women and Wealth

More and more today, women are taking their financial futures into the their own hands! 

Whether they’ve become the better money manager in the family, or have been forced by circumstances to be on their own, women are finding it necessary to think in new ways about what their wealth can do for them. Learn the 10 Greatest Myths about Women and Wealth in this vital course and e-book!

Women & Wealth

FREE Webinar and E-Book!

How to Live a TAX-FREE Retirement

Undoubtedly, the United States has been put on an inexorable course of skyrocketing government spending that can only lead to greater tax rates in the coming decades. If today you are in a 25% tax bracket, and tomorrow you’re raised to 30%, that’s an increase of 20% and a reduction of 20% of the retirement resources you had planned for!

(And if you’re 10% bracket were to go to 20%, that’s a doubling of taxes, and a 50% decrease in your resources!)

THE SECRET is to PLAN AHEAD. If you try to mitigate taxes after changes have already be made in the law, it will be too late to escape the outcome. Congress and the IRS are not that stupid. 

But there are assurances in today’s tax code that are promised into the future and can’t be changed. Take this course to start learning what it means to live in retirement as free of taxes as one can be.

How To Live A Tax Free Retirement

FREE Webinar and E-Book!

Estate Planning, Wills, and Trusts

Some people think that Estate Planning only applies to millionaires and billionaires with vast fortunes to divvy up. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact is that unless you prepare, Uncle Sam has already written your estate plan into law, and has rigged it up to put the IRS and Probate Courts and court-appointed Executors are at the front of the line as your first and foremost inheritors.

Find out how good planning can make sure you loved ones come first as your inheritors and that Uncle Sam gets pushed to the back of the line, where he belongs

Estate Planning Wills & Trusts

FREE Webinar and E-Book!

Guaranteed Income For LIFE

Ensuring a guaranteed income for life is one of the top concerns for retirees. With increasing life expectancy, many people worry about outliving their savings. According to a 2022 report from the Employee Benefit Research Institute, almost 40% of retirees could run out of money during their retirement due to longer life spans, unexpected expenses, and inadequate planning.

If you’re feeling uncertain about how to create a retirement strategy that will protect you from running out of money, you’re not alone. The good news is there are practical solutions that can provide peace of mind and financial stability. 

Find out more about what's possible and see how they can fit into your financial plan, click on the button below and take the next step toward securing a confident and worry-free retirement.

Guaranteed Income for Life

FREE Webinar and E-Book!

How to Prevent Long-Term-Care Needs From Wiping Out Your Retirement Nest Egg

So many Americans are sadly mistaken to think that Medicare covers long-term care needs. But the fact is that after 90 days of acute care (meaning you are expected to recover), Medicare bows out and leaves you on your own to cover the typical $10,000 a month to be cared for, when you’re no longer able to care for yourself.

You may think you’re impervious to getting older. But the FACTS are that someone turning 65 today has almost a 70% chance of needing some type of long-term care services and supports in their remaining years. 

Long Term Care today is the foremost reason that we ever see nest eggs quickly depleting in retirement, sometimes several years before a senior actually passes. It’s tough enough needing care when you age. It’s catastrophic to be living in poverty because of it!

Learn about the need for viable and economical options in the important course!

Long term care

FREE Webinar and E-Book!

Medicare and YOU

Trying to make sense of a HUGE national healthcare program with:

  • 4 PLANS

At the end of the day, Medicare is always going to be a puzzle of buying the most benefits you need or want, for the least expensive premium. 

Let’s make this a little easier and efficient for you. Start with this essential course.

Medicare & You

FREE Webinar and E-Book!

And don't forget to check out the Fast Start Library, too!

Read Bruce's self-authored reports, right here on our website!

(Click on the icon over the report image to read in full screen)

Principal Spend-down: A Slippery Slope

JUNE, 2020: In a post-COVID economy, there is the distinct emerging risk that Baby Boomers will greatly accelerate depletion of their retirement nest eggs when interest and dividends can no longer generate adequate income.


  • The Butterfly Effect: In the 2020’s, a new form of unpredictable market and economic risk we have never seen before. “Can a butterfly flapping its wings in China cause a hurricane in Texas?”
  • Life Phases of wealth planning dictate new risk models.
  • Longevity Credits: More returns for seniors, despite any other factors!

(Click on the icon over the report image to read in full screen)

Principal Spend-down: A Slippery Slope

JUNE, 2020: Also in a post-COVID economy, interest rates at the bank have been driven to practically nothing! The days of Negative Rates (as in Europe and Japan) are just around the corner. Are there any alternatives to hold safe liquid funds?


  • Finding Higher Rates of Interest: Where to find 3-5X greater interest rates than average bank rates.
  • Less restrictions, more liquidity: Bank CD’s have heavy penalties for early withdrawal. Alternatives tend to have far more liquid terms.
  • Tax-deferral of interest earnings: How to make non-IRA money mirror the benefits of tax-deferrals enjoyed by IRA accounts.

(Click on the icon over the report image to read in full screen)

An Important Lesson in "LAZY MONEY"

When times get volatile, over and over again we see that savers and investors will retreat into cash. Well that’s fine. But the BIG MISTAKE is to put your cash where it earns little or nothing, and then the months and years go by.

Even when banks pay less than .05% there are better and safer accounts that ear 3-4X more. In the long run or the short run, it matters!

(Click on the icon over the report image to read in full screen)

How To Make Your Money Last a Lifetime GUARANTEED!

From the archives – 2013: Although economic times and events have changed since 2013, the fundamentals of sound planning have not. Approaching retirement and being retired are nothing like building wealth in earlier years. Find out how things shift when you get close to age 55.


  • Taxes are on sale right now!
  • Tax Traps of investment real estate: The foremost advantage of investment real estate is how renters pay your mortgage, and amortization keeps your taxes down. Rarely do investors consider their exit strategy and how much of their wealth stays trapped in their properties. But as covered, there is a way out!
  • The Power or Guarantees: Peace of mind when the economy is volatile or markets turn upside down.
  • Tax-deferral of interest earnings: How to make non-IRA money mirror the benefits of tax-deferrals enjoyed by IRA accounts.
  • Potential double-digit returns. Never a market loss!

(Click on the icon over the report image to read in full screen)

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