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Bringing Fortune 500 tax and retirement saving strategies to business and homeowners.

Bruce Weide was quite happy dedicating his life to non-profit and charitable causes for the first 18 years of his working life. Essentially working as a local marketing executive in Orange County for various drug rehab and literacy programs from 1977 to 1995, and having met his wife Mary in 1982 in the same field, Bruce often talks about living modestly but being rich in personal fulfillment through those years.

In 1985, life shifted in another direction when their son, Nathan, was born at 1 1/2 lbs. and was brought home on a life support machine requiring 24/7 attention for a year and a half of his life. Bruce & Mary eventually found that their lives were to slowly take a turn with new, more financially demanding personal obligations to be managed. “As it became clear to me that Nathan was never going to be in a condition to care for himself, suddenly I had to contemplate preparing for two retirements – mine and my son’s. He’s always been a total joy in our life but financially his situation had forced us to realize that, at age 38, I had given zero attention to any understanding of saving and investing, let alone building any kind of financially rewarding career for myself.”

After some financial coaching by a retirement planner who was also a close friend, Bruce began educating himself in the financial world. He started out by studying everything from compound interest to saving on taxes. In January 2000 Bruce quit his “day job” and opened up his first office in the Commercial Bank Building on Brand Blvd. in Glendale, California, providing life insurance products to young families.

From there, Bruce made another career move and entered the world of radio. Bruce spent several years at KRLA In Glendale California, plus several other radio stations nationally from time to time, as the host of “Straight Talk Wealth Radio”. Most recently, Bruce has had a run of several years on Newstalk 1590 KVTA in Ventura California. Bruce considers himself lucky to be able to help others in areas of financial uncertainty and loves being the voice for so many hard-working savers, like himself, who want to get control of their financial future without their entire retirement outcome being at the mercy of the distant causes and effects of  the vagaries of Wall Street, and politicians whose only solution to America’s economy is to put this country further into debt.

Bruce would love to hear from you. (He always answers!)

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Contact Bruce

Secure Financial Services, Inc.
2401 West Bay Drive
Suite 430
Largo, FL 33770
